Labor Doula Support

What is a Labor Doula?

  • Doulas are birth professionals trained to facilitate tried and true comfort measures specific to labor. These can include position suggestions to encourage labor progression, rhythmic movement, vocalization techniques, guided relaxation with breathing and/or visualization, and specialized massage/counter pressure for comfort in labor.  

  • The most valuable thing a Doula offers is continuous emotional support. This comes in the form of verbal encouragement and reassurance, a constant physical presence, and full trust in YOUR power and ability to birth.

  • Doulas LOVE evidence based research! Why? Because we believe all mothers have a right to consensual, informative, empowered birth experiences. Lisa can provide information regarding your current birth options, and ensure that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your care.

Labor Doula’s provide physical, emotional, and educational support throughout pregnancy and birth. They can facilitate labor progress by making suggestions for positions, relaxation, visualization, shower/bath, and movement. 

Labor & Birth Package

  • 2-3 visits with Lisa in the comfort of your home. Each 90 minute session is customized based on your needs and desired birth outcome.

  • Beginning at 38 weeks, Lisa will be on call 24/7 until active labor begins. Continuous Doula support will take place throughout labor until 1-2 hours post birth.

  • 1-2 visits in the comfort of your home to offer basic breastfeeding support, informational support, and postpartum resources.

  • Continuous support from Lisa throughout your pregnancy via email or text message.


$1,200 | Payment Plans Available

Birth Planning Sessions

  • 90 minute visits that can take place virtually or in the comfort of your home

  • You deserve to feel empowered in your birth and that begins with advocating for the birth you want! Together we will review every aspect of your birth and create a customized plan.

  • Whether you’re planning for a medicated hospital birth, a home birth, or something in between, we will review and practice the positions and comfort measures to best support you during labor and delivery.

  • So much time is spent planning for birth, but those first weeks home are just as important. We will discuss sleep goals, nutrition, postpartum recovery, and so much more!


$100 per 90 minute session

Looking for help planning for birth without the full Doula experience? A birth planning session (or a few!) may be exactly what you need.

Get in touch.